Saturday, August 30, 2008

Some photos from Milwaukee.  

Books I've read/reading on the road that you should read too:
Salmon of Doubt, by Douglas Addams: HIGHLY recommend this book.  It's billed as the lost manuscript of the last hitchhiker book.  It's not.  Instead, it's a collection of eulogies about Addams and essays that he wrote.  Even if you're not a fan of the hitchhiker series, I'd read it.  It's a little more accessible to those not into the whole sci fi genre.
Travels with Charly:  John Steinbeck takes to the road.  I know some of you (well, three of you) own this book.  Funny and insightful, it's worth picking up and reading.   

Meanwhile, I can't get my photos to work right now so I'm going to log out and log back in later.

Greetings from South Dakota.

Love, Tamara

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