Saturday, November 21, 2009

on a positive note...

So on rereading my last post, I realized that it was a bit negative... so (in no particular order) here is a list of the top 5 things that I like about the UAE-

1) the call to prayer. Muslims pray 5 times a day and that means that the call to prayer echoes from the mosques 5 times a day.  it's a good thing i like it.  what a beautiful ullulating sound.  it reminds of the shofar... in the busy day and chaotic world, it's a reminder to stop, take stock, and think.

2) the hospitality.  I know I'm spoiled.  I'm here as a Westerner, put up by my company in beautiful hotels.  Of course, there's good hospitality.  But it seems to extend farther than that.  Today, after being dropped off by my taxi in the wrong place, in front of the wrong university (the taxi driver didn't know where he was going and didn't speak Arabic or English so I had him drop me off at the one place he knew and then someone else took me from there), the policemen/security guards sitting where I got out hurried to help me get my stuff out of the taxi.  They gave up their seat for me, brought me tea, and were unbelievably kind.

3) the desert. I can't say the desert safari was my favorite trip to the desert in the Middle East, but it was a reminder of how beautiful the desert actually is.  I was named for the oases in the Negev and so have a special place in my heart for sand and dunes and the peace that exists out there.  I'm glad to be near it again.

4) the cultures. The UAE is a truly international country.  90% of the population is from somewhere else!  It's an incredible mix of people from all over the world.  I think it's fantastic that you can ask everyone you meet- "where are you from?"- and yet, the country still maintains it's own, unique emerati-ness.  

5) the food. Not only can you get any type of food from any country in the world here, but the lebanese food that seems to be most common is delicious, cheap, and plentiful.  Today, for dinner I had half of a  chicken, a plate of rice, a ton of fresh vegetables and olives, flat bread, 2 types of curry, and tea.  And this was just me ordering one dish.  The food was delicious and only cost me $7.00.  I'd also like to point that I don't think you can beat arabic tea or coffee.  mmmm  

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