Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I've been inspired by this entry on darcy's blog to write one one of my own.

Yesterday, Maine voted to repeal same sex marriage.  Because of the time difference, I didn't have to stay up late to watch the votes trickle in.  Instead, I sat at the library trying to write a paper and hitting "refresh" over and over again on the Keep Maine Equality webpage.  By late afternoon I had a blasting headache and my heart hurt.

Somehow, for some reason, we think that by empowering others, we have to give up some of our own power.  Somehow, for some reason, we think that by extending rights to other people, we lose our own rights.  I am sickened by the ways that people feed off of fear and spread hatred in the name of religion.

Darcy posted these three videos, and they're also my favo(u)rites so I thought I'd share them as well.  They make me laugh and give me hope that love and commonsense will prevail.  Thank you to everyone who worked hard on the No on 1 campaign, who voted with their hearts, and who continue to keep up the fight.

Love, Tamara

1 comment:

Yarcy Dork said...

Aw. Love love love.