Thursday, January 14, 2010

maine love

I came home from my travels in Tasmania (more on that later- I LOVED tassie) to find this book waiting for me.  It's 60+ pages of photographs taken by Jen of my last 3 years in Maine.  It's called "the why you should come home book."  That's me and Charlie at the Lake on the cover.  Suffice it to say, I've been reminiscing a lot lately.  Tons of love to everyone back home.  I miss you!


Yarcy Dork said...

That is the cutest gift ever! It makes ME homesick!

Steph H said...

What an awesome gift! And I love that you took a picture of you holding it up to a mirror! (at first I was like is that another language on the front? nope, just backwards!)

P.S. Did you hear? I've herby been dubbed to speak for the United States of America: We miss you. Our amber grain is just waiting to wave you home.