Monday, December 14, 2009

Linda Angel 1958-2009

I was all set to write a post full of funny anecdotes about the road trip and festival,  and then I opened my inbox and found out that Linda died.  I'm dealing with waves of gratefulness that she was part of my life and grief that she is no longer.  I can't seem to compose anything worth writing.  I'm too flooded with memories.

This is Linda. 

And because I can't think of her without laughter, here is one of our favorite office videos. 
Linda, like no one else, could do an imitation of Eddie Murphy doing an imitation of James Brown in the hot tub.

In life and death, I love you.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that was such a nice note about linda. she was truly wonderful and i only knew here a little. i am thinking of you and of all her family and friends....